Protests and Demonstrations

Remembering Black Wall Street and the Tulsa race massacre

835 Views   TULSA, OK (CBS Newspath) – It’s an American story of prosperity, unthinkable loss, and resurgence. 100 years ago, Tulsa, Oklahoma’s Greenwood District was a beacon of wealth and development for African Americans, but it was wiped away by racial violence in a matter of hours. “You have more

New Mexico seeks end to police immunity from prosecution

790 Views   SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) — A bill that would end police immunity from prosecution in New Mexico to allow civil right lawsuits in state court cleared its last major hurdle with Senate approval, as Democratic legislators responded to concerns about police brutality and accountability.

New Mexico Capitol on High Alert

1,662 Views   In the wake of riots at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, the FBI warned all 50 states to anticipate armed protests at their state capitols.  Protests are expected to take place in the days leading up to the January 20 presidential inauguration.  Is New Mexico ready for
