Economic Development

New film examines how hemp may play a role in food security

446 Views   Author and film director Doug Fine shares more about his new film “American Hemp Famer” and his journey to becoming a regenerative hemp farmer. Also, we learn more about the USDA’s efforts to aid rural communities in New Mexico.

Justice Department publishes rule to close ‘gun show loophole’

450 Views   (The Hill) – The Justice Department announced Thursday it has submitted a final rule to the federal register that would close the so-called “gun show loophole,” a significant step in the Biden administration’s efforts to curb gun violence and better regulate gun sales.

Balloon Fiesta Announces New Mexico Day for the 2024 Event!

593 Views   Board of Directors shows Appreciation for New Mexico Residents with Free Admission to Attend Monday’s Flying Events Albuquerque, New Mexico – The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta Inc., a 501-C-3 Not-For-Profit New Mexico Corporation, announced that Monday, October 7th will be New Mexico Day at the Balloon Fiesta! New

Feds continue to seize legal pot in New Mexico at checkpoints

362 Views   NEW MEXICO (KRQE) – Two years into legal, recreational cannabis being legal in New Mexico, one major problem persists: pot is still illegal under federal law. New Mexico cannabis businesses say federal agents are seizing their product at checkpoints.

Internet subsidy on verge of ending in New Mexico

455 Views   ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – A federal program that helped people pay their internet bills is now running out of time. It’s a program that dates back to 2021. Unless something changes quickly in Congress, it’s over in a few weeks. But how much warning did people get, and who’s impacted the

NM Senator Supports Baby Formula Production in America

472 Views   US Senators Martin Heinrich of New Mexico and Bob Casey of Pennsylvania introduced the Infant Formula Made in America Act, which creates a new tax credit program to support new or expanding small American infant formula producers.
