Parent mentoring program aims to help participants find success

600 Views   A recent event at Jardin de los Niños in Las Cruces offered the public the opportunity to see poster presentations from those taking part in the Flourishing Families Parent Mentoring program. The program aims to prepare parents who are struggling with hardships and makes them more confident and open minded to achieve their […]

Las Cruces organizations work to address mental health and substance abuse disorders

450 Views   According to a 2020 report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, around 7% of New Mexicans have a substance use disorder. Phillip Fiuty is a technical advisor at the New Mexico Department of Health’s harm reduction program. He said that his journey into harm reduction began almost 40 years ago during […]

Lawsuit filed against NMSU by former basketball players is settled

381 Views   The civil lawsuit filed against NMSU by two former university basketball players has been settled. The lawsuit filed in April alleged that NMSU failed to intervene when Shakiru Odunewu and William Benjamin Jr. were sexually assaulted by older players.

Rescue Teams Help Hikers off Organ Mountains

457 Views   On Friday evening, the Las Cruces Fire Department’s Technical Rescue Team, along with three other highly-skilled rescue teams, helped extricate a group of hikers from a trail near The Needle in the Organ Mountains.

Tips to stay safe during triple digit heat waves

297 Views   As forecasters call for triple digit temperatures this week, heat related illnesses may be on the rise, here’s some helpful tips to keep cool during these hot days and how to identify a heat crisis. Some people at the most risk may be those who work outside, young children, pregnant women, seniors and […]

Police Chief Miguel Dominguez Announces Retirement

352 Views   Miguel Dominguez, Chief of the Las Cruces Police Department, has announced his retirement. Dominguez has been the LCPD Chief since 2020 and is a 21-year veteran of law enforcement. The City of Las Cruces anticipates naming an interim chief in the coming weeks while it conducts a nationwide search for its next Chief […]