Santa Fe Opens Long-Awaited Teen Center

733 Views   After over a decade of planning Santa Fe cut the ribbon Friday on the new Teen Center on the city’s southside. The center is across the street from the Southside Library and 17-thousand square foot facility includes a gymnasium, meeting places and games including ping pong, foosball and air hockey.

New Mexico State Revenues Continue To Rise

721 Views   According to state economists, New Mexico’s recurring revenue estimates continue to soar, outpacing most of the rest of the nation. During the last report back in December, the estimate was 12.5% revenue growth which at the time was the largest estimated revenue growth in the country. It turns out the growth was 20%. […]

New Mexico Legislature Sets Interim Committee Meetings’ Agendas

482 Views   The New Mexico Legislative Council Committee on Monday approved the work plans and budgets for 18 interim committees for the rest of the year. Many of the committees have aggressive agendas to work on possible legislation to be introduced during next year’s 30-day session.

Deputy Interior Secretary Visits Santa Fe

358 Views   US Deputy Secretary of the Interior Tommy Beaudreau says the Biden Administration is working hard to protect water resources in New Mexico and across the country. Beaudreau was in Santa Fe on Friday as the keynote speaker at the Next Generation Water Summit.

Pride Month Commemorated in Santa Fe

639 Views   City officials and others gathered in front of Santa Fe City Hall on Monday to raise the Pride Flag and commemorate Pride Month. The flag raising came on the 9th anniversary of the Pulse Nightclub shooting.

New Mexico Projecting Sharp Increase In Homelessness

764 Views   According to a report by the Legislative Finance Committee homelessness in New Mexico is projected to increase 48-percent in 2023. The report also says it’s getting harder for people to find a place to live that they can afford.