Here’s How & Why Santa Fe Is Doing Exceptionally Well With Water Usage

1,194 Views   Some good news! The number of water users in Santa Fe has increased but usage has surprisingly declined, according to the city’s top water official. KSFR’s Dennis Carroll talks with director Jesse Roach about how and why that happens in the middle of an unprecedented drought.

Migratory Birds Return to New Mexico As Weather Warms

772 Views   People who live in Northern New Mexico are treated to the sounds of sandhill cranes flying north overhead every spring. On the ground and singing their songs on branches and twigs, American robins gather to announce their return. Deborah Begel took a closer look at their flights and listened to their songs and […]

Tom Trowbridge, Award-Winning Journalist, Dies at 62

1,152 Views   Tom Trowbridge, former KSFR News Director and award-winning journalist, passed away Monday night in his sleep. Tom was a tireless career newsman whose voice was heard starting in the 1980s on stations from the East to the West coast. He led the KSFR news team from 2017 until last month when he left […]

New Mexico Capitol on High Alert

1,667 Views   In the wake of riots at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, the FBI warned all 50 states to anticipate armed protests at their state capitols.  Protests are expected to take place in the days leading up to the January 20 presidential inauguration.  Is New Mexico ready for potentially violent demonstrations?  And who’s […]