Native American student at the center of NM Supreme Court case speaks out

532 Views   This week the New Mexico Supreme Court heard a case stemming from a lawsuit against Albuquerque Public Schools over the interactions of a high school teacher with a Native American student. That student, McKenzie Johnson, spoke with KUNM about that Halloween day in 2018. She says teacher Mary Eastin offered one student dog food, brandished a […]

Muleshoe National Wildlife Refuge gets federal support to expand

438 Views   Four National Wildlife Refuges across the country now have support from the federal government to expand, and Muleshoe National Wildlife Refuge, which spans across the Texas-New Mexico border, is one of them. That’s good news for the sandhill crane and lesser prairie-chicken.

Lawyers spar over high-profile New Mexico pollution case

529 Views   A judge heard arguments on Friday on whether a high-profile environmental lawsuit brought on by the Center of Biological Diversity, WildEarth Guardians and several frontline Native American communities should go to trial.

This new proposal for Colorado River sharing prioritizes the environment

623 Views   A coalition of environmental groups is proposing a new set of rules for managing the Colorado River after 2026, when the current guidelines expire. Their proposal, which aims to weave environmental protections into river management policy, comes amid heated negotiations about how the shrinking river should be shared in the future.