Lawmakers to consider taking redistricting out of their own hands

366 Views   Rep. Natalie Figueroa plans to introduce a bill in next month’s legislative session that aims to establish an independent redistricting commission to limit lawmakers’ role in drawing their own maps. Figueroa says it’s a necessary next step in removing politics from New Mexico’s process.

Recidivism and prison population continue to fall

921 Views   The prison population of New Mexico has fallen significantly in the last two years, and the number of people being reincarcerated after release has also decreased, according to a new assessment of Corrections Department data. In Fiscal Year 2020, 54% of people released from prison were incarcerated again within three years.

Republican National Committee courts NM Hispanic voters with new community center

513 Views   With the midterm elections approaching in November, the Republican National Committee is expanding the footprint of what they’re calling their “minority outreach centers” by opening their latest RNC Hispanic Community Center in Albuquerque. A spokesperson for the RNC said in a statement that the New Mexico center, which it opened Thursday, is the 35th in […]

Are you voting on March 1? Election Day approaches for some New Mexicans

487 Views   Most local governments in New Mexico have opted in to the Regular Local Election, which happens every other November. But for those that haven’t, Election Day is coming up on March 1.  Early voting for the 2022 Municipal Officer Election is underway in 26 New Mexico villages, towns and cities, where all but seven are […]

City calls for removal of murals in Albuquerque Old Town

565 Views   Last year, artists Jodie Herrera and Reyes Padilla were commissioned to paint murals in Albuquerque’s Old Town, featuring cascades of colors and shapes, a butterfly and a blooming cactus. Now, the city wants the artworks, commissioned by business owners in Plaza Don Luis, removed.