capitol reports

Capitol Report – February 8, 2024



An interesting report detailing New Mexico’s STEM workforce has been released.

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This is Jason Espinoza with today’s capitol report.

Workforce Development continues to be a topic of discussion during the 30-day legislative session and now legislators have a new analysis to consider as they make policy decisions.

According to an analysis conducted by FTI Consulting for Science is US, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit initiative, there were more than 67 million STEM professionals in the United States 2021, with 13 million holding a high school diploma or general equivalency credential. Another 3.3 million do not have a high school diploma, a figure almost equal to the number who hold a doctoral or professional degree. In New Mexico, 54% of the state’s STEM professionals do not have bachelor’s degrees.

Rachel Kerestes is the Executive Director of Science is US, a foundation-supported initiative.

[Rachel] Government leaders, business owners, educators and parents must recognize the enormous value in STEM fields and must do what’s necessary to teach, train and recruit workers to fill existing vacancies in the near term while developing a strong STEM workforce for the long term. Careers in STEM fields offer pathways to fulfilling, middle-class livelihoods for people of varying educational backgrounds. While New Mexico has an edge with its existing STEM infrastructure, the state must be vigilant in taking advantage of its competitive position.

For the New Mexico News Network, I’m Jason Espinoza


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