
Safe Haven Baby Box To Be “Blessed” In Roswell

562 Views   The 6th Safe Haven Baby Box in New Mexico will be blessed today in Roswell. The baby box is located on the front of the Roswell Fire Department building at 200 S. Richardson Street. Last month, Safe Haven Baby Boxes had two anonymous surrenders at Baby Box locations.

Rabbi speaks about bomb threat that happened at synagogue

1,295 Views   ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — A bomb scare at an Albuquerque synagogue has people in the Jewish community on high alert as the war between Israel and Hamas continues. Rabbi James Shapiro allowed KOAT into their temple to recount the weekend events that had numerous police units called to Adat

Archdiocese of Santa Fe priest arrested for sexual assault

653 Views   Daniel Balizan was the pastor of Santa Maria de la Paz in Santa Fe prior to his dismissal SANTA FE, N.M. — The Archdiocese of Santa Fe has commented on the arrest of former archdiocese priest Daniel Balizan, 61, who is accused of clergy sexual abuse of a

Retired Archbishop Michael Sheehan dies at age 83

700 Views   Advocate for human rights led Santa Fe Archdiocese for 22 years ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Michael Jarboe Sheehan, who retired in 2015 as Archbishop of Santa Fe, died Saturday at age 83, a news release from the Santa Fe Archdiocese said.

St. Patrick’s Day reprieve

684 Views   Albuquerque, NM (KKOB) — Catholics in New Mexico receiving a culinary reprieve from Archbishop John C. Wester. Lent began with Ash Wednesday this week, and ends Thursday, April 6th, three days before Easter. The celebration of lent requires followers from age 14 and up to abstain from consuming

El Paso bishop takes the lead role in Catholic migrant ministry

788 Views   EL PASO, Texas (AP) — Mark Seitz of El Paso is the first bishop from a state along the Mexico border to head the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ migration committee in at least 20 years. With a migrant shelter literally in his backyard and his diocese smack

Archdiocese of Santa Fe reinstates Sunday Mass obligation

903 Views   ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Catholics in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe will once again have to fulfill their obligation to attend Sunday Mass. Archbishop John Charles Wester wrote in a letter Monday that the attendance obligation has been reinstated.

US report details church-state collusion on Native schools

1,106 Views   A new Interior Department report underscores how closely the U.S. government collaborated with churches in operating boarding schools for Indigenous children. The federal government saw churches as useful in Christianizing Native children as part of a project to sever them from their culture, their identities and ultimately their
