
Texas hack may be first disruption of U.S. water system by Russia

477 Views   In January, an alert citizen in Muleshoe, Tex., was driving by a park and noticed that a water tower was overflowing. Authorities soon determined the system that controlled the city’s water supply had been hacked. In two hours, tens of thousands of gallons of water had flown into the

Cyber attacks take down major New Mexico hospital, government offices

653 Views   Cyber security expert shares tips for a safer digital experience ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – Cybersecurity can sound like an intangible threat, but a cyber or ransomware attack can have rippling effects. New Mexicans have seen some of those attacks play out over the last few months at some major

Lovelace Health System investigates potential cyberattack

688 Views   ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Lovelace Health System is looking into a potential cyberattack they detected on Thanksgiving.  Officials told KOB 4 they are asking first responders to send patients to other emergency rooms while they investigate the cause of the attack.

Cybersecurity debate to hit state legislature

866 Views   “We’re going to unify how we handle cybersecurity across state government,” said Padilla. Keeping online information safe from hackers has been a hot topic in the legislature. Democratic State Senate Majority Whip Michael Padilla aims to change how New Mexico manages cybersecurity.

New Mexico lawmakers hoping to prevent future cyber attacks

1,039 Views   Two cybersecurity bills were filed in New Mexico’s legislative session this past week. SANTA FE, N.M. — Cybersecurity is a big topic for New Mexico’s 2022 legislative session, and the discussions couldn’t have come at a better time. Less than a month into the new year, Bernalillo County and Albuquerque

NMMI to offer cybersecurity program

1,035 Views   ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.- The New Mexico Military Institute is one of a handful of schools chosen to host a new cybersecurity pilot program in the fall of 2022. The program will be run through the JROTC at NMMI.
