
Full containment of fires will take a while

994 Views   Albuquerque, NM (KKOB) — Over 1100 firefighters continue fighting the flames in steep and rocky terrain, of the South Fork and Salt fires burning on both sides of Ruidoso. The threat of flash floods still looms over the village. Gov. Lujan Grisham toured some of the disaster area

Contaminated water forces restrictions in Las Vegas

957 Views   LAS VEGAS, N.M. – The city of Las Vegas canceled its annual 4th of July celebrations Tuesday amid ongoing water restrictions.  Those restriction were put into place after this weekend’s flooding strained the city’s water treatment plant.

Ruidoso Downs Racetrack hopes to open up as evacuees return

638 Views   “We’ll come back from this. We need to put the wheels back on the bus and let’s go to work,” said Rick Baugh, the Ruidoso Downs general manager RUIDOSO, N.M. — The South Fork Fire and Salt Fire caused residents to evacuate Ruidoso but some were able to

Las Vegas residents face aftermath of burn scar flooding

452 Views   LAS VEGAS, N.M. (KRQE) – Las Vegas residents are spending most of this weekend dealing with the aftermath of flash flooding that happened Friday night. Many were not expecting the flooding paired with water-filled streets, road closures, and evacuations.

1,400 buildings lost in South Fork fire

564 Views   One person has died from the fire, according to the New Mexico Governor’s Office RUIDOSO, N.M. — The South Fork Fire has claimed about 1,400 buildings, according to New Mexico Forestry Division officials. The fire has grown to 15,276 acres as of Tuesday night. One person has died
